Creative Movement, Ballet/Tap,
Pre Primary and Primary Ballet- 3/4 to 1 hour once a week Designed for 3-6 year olds focusing on mimetics, development of motor skills and creative expression. Children learn the shaping of Ballet movement while continuing creative exploration with emphasis on the overall enjoyment of dance. Combination classes introduce beginning rhythmic tap. The Grade levels will learn Ballet technique, terminology and the discipline of dance. As well, free movement exercises continue to develop the improvisational skills of the dancer. The syllabus includes Hungarian, Russian and Polish Character Dance. Grades 1 and 2 Ballet 1 hr. per week Grades 3-5 Ballet 2 - 4.5 hrs. per week Int/ Grade 6/7. and Adv. Ballet 3-8 hrs. per week Open Classes and Pointe/Repertoire 1 1/2 hrs. per week More advanced technical preparation with emphasis on pre professional training. Jazz, Contemporary and Musical Theatre Classes Jazz 1 to 2 1/2 hours per week Technique class focusing on center warm-ups, across the floor progressions and combinations. Ballet recommended prior to enrollment. Ages 7 - Adult Tap 1 to 2 hours per week Technique class focusing on classical technique training and rhythm movement. Ages 7 and up Contemporary - 1 to 1 1/2 hours per week Musical Theatre 1 to 1 1/2 hours per week Teen and Adult Classes Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Musical Theatre Students must be placed in the appropriate level by audition. |
Additional Information
- The Dress code is specific for each level. Reference each level for uniform requirements. - Students are expected to behave respectfully and courteously at all times. - Photography/Videography by patrons at The Austin City Ballet is prohibited unless preapproved by the director. - Students must wear street shoes and cover up clothing when arriving to and before leaving the building. - Creative Movement, Pre-Ballet and Elementary Division students should not enter a classroom until the teacher is present. - Intermediate and Advanced Division students may stretch in the studio before their class begins if there is not another class in the studio. - Parents are asked to remain outside the studio. - Chewing gum, food and drinks (except water in closed containers) are not allowed in the studio. - Toe tape, Band-Aids, containers, wrappers, etc. must be disposed of in trash cans. - The Austin City Ballet is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items. Labeling personal items with the student’s name is recommended. - There is a lost and found bin located in the lobby for missing items. At the end of the month, items that have not been retrieved will be discarded or donated to charity. |
Split sole ballet slippers may only be worn in Grades 4 and above.
All Ballet students Grades 1 and up must wear their hair in a bun. No t-shirts, shorts, sweatpants, legwarmers, ballet skirts or jewelry may be worn during any Ballet class. All Ballet Classes Grades 1 and up will need soft canvas character shoes. Creative Movement, Ballet/Tap, Pre Primary Ballet, Primary Tank style pink leotard (plain with no embellishments), ballet pink tights and pink ballet slippers. Grade 1 Ballet Navy blue tank style leotard, matching elasticized belt, theatrical pink tights, pink ballet slippers and black character shoes. Grades 2 and 3 Ballet Red tank or camisole style leotard, matching elasticized belt, theatrical pink tights, pink ballet slippers and black character shoes. Grades 4 and 5 Burgundy camisole leotard, matching elasticized belt, theatrical pink tights, pink ballet slippers and black character shoes. Open, Pointe/Repertoire, Grade 6/7 and Advanced, Company Class, Master Classes Camisole style black leotard, white elastic belt, theatrical pink tights, pink ballet slippers and black character shoes. Adult Ballet Any solid color leotard and tights. May wear ballet skirts. Men and Boys Ballet White t-shirt, black tights and black ballet shoes. Boys in Pre Primary and Primary levels, may wear black shorts with white or black socks. Jazz, Tap and Musical Theatre students must wear hair pulled up and away from the face. Jazz Any leotard, tights, black jazz shoes. Musical Theatre requires one pair of 1 1/2 -2 inch black character shoes and 1 1/2 inch tan character shoes for women, black jazz shoes for men. Modern/Contemporary, Ballroom, World Dance, Yoga and Pilates Comfortable clothing that is suitable for that activity. Ballroom Dance will require character or ballroom shoes. |